Our Story

My parents collected books their whole life. Thousands of books. I was surrounded by books but not a collector of books. It wasn’t until I was thirty that I saw a first edition book.

Something about that dust jacket captivated me and I had to have that book. A bibliophile was born. There is nothing like seeing, holding and admiring a book. I call it the Art of Book Collecting. Books are art.

For fifteen years, I was a book dealer doing business as Out of Atlanta Rare Books. I enjoyed the customers and loved all the books but eventually went back to practicing law in earnest. I continued to collect books, of course, but my work was the law.

Now, I am restarting the rare book business by putting my family name on it as it probably should have been to begin with because that is where it all began. I still remember being looked over by the loving grace of all those old books as a child. I recommend it to everyone.


From my bookshelf to yours,

Dolph Winders | Winders Rare Books